
By rosesinDecember


Today has felt rather like the honeymoon is over. Despite my best efforts to leave the flat and the mountains of laundry (drying and lying everywhere), the girls were in needy mode, they reset the TV irreversibly it seems, they wouldn't do what I asked and they defiantly tipped whole baskets of toys everywhere. By the time we were ready to leave, it was almost lunchtime and so, post lunch, we finally left the house and headed for the park only to find out we needed to promptly turn around and head back as a new fridge was about to be delivered. With the contents of the fridge and freezer all over the kitchen and two lovely workmen getting busy, the girls and I were holed up in the bedroom. Somehow A eventually napped and somehow I ate most of a chocolate orange without E noticing. And then it was tea time and C is out tonight. Trying to find something to redeem the day, E has learned to write her name recently and is beginning to recognise "her letter" on signs and in other words. Tonight, despite her contrary ways, she was ever so sweet when she discovered this piece of waffle! E for exasperating.

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