bucks life

By bucksmiss

Pop goes the weasel?

I spent all morning on a matter that has been hanging around for over 18 months and I primed it as far as I could before leaving at 1pm today. The wind really got up today and the temperature is now down to about 7C.

I drove to C’s and her old school friend L was there with her four week old baby, Otilie, and it was lovely to see her. I’m not sure I’ve seen her since she was about 12 years old and she’s now a mum and a partner in a top city law firm to boot. Sadly, her Mum who was a friend of my own mother and who taught all of my siblings died on Tuesday after a year’s battle with cancer. L was in surprisingly good form considering, but looking after a new born gives you something to focus on and keep cheery for I guess.

C and I then drove to C’s new house to see the chaos that is their total renovation. It is going to be gorgeous once finished and it was exciting to see it in such a desolate state and to imagine the changes to come. C was very excited.

Once back at C’s she collected Teddy and I got to feed him his tea and have a nice play. I finally felt his tooth, though can’t say I actually saw it! The baby did not arrive today as you can see from my blip. It is not actually due for 8 days but could come any time. She really does look as though she is going to pop! At about 6pm I had a good work phone call in which we completed our deal. Very satisfying.

On my way back I popped into B&Q for some paint and sandpaper. L needed more ceiling paint as my sitting room ceiling is very dirty from soot and smoke so will need a couple of coats. Also, my cleaners managed to stain a horrid black spidery patch on one of my lovely oak work surfaces in the kitchen today and so we are going to try to get rid of it with the sandpapers and teak oil. Fingers crossed.

My sitting room is currently a pile of furniture so I won’t be watching any telly over the next day or so I reckon. No bad thing! Bring on the weekend!

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