Every Day Is A holiday!

By musings

Art Hung At Marcee Baking on Bybee

So excited to have my art hung at Marcee Baking on Bybee in Portland...thanks to Kelli and Amy who helped me (hugs you two), we got 19 pieces hung in a little over an hour. Amy was great on the ladder, and Kelli kept us to task and had the "eagle eye"! Sometimes it takes a village :)))

Marcee Baking
is a wonderful little coffee/baking spot in Sellwood on Bybee Blvd. They have been there since 1993 and their products are carried in all the stores in the area. They make the best latte's and I love their baked goods (did someone say scone?)

Check out my flickr page for more photos, plus a couple shots of the moonset ( the clouds were awesome).

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