That Sinking Feeling

Hi Tom

Have you ever had that sinking feeling....I've got it today.

I'm daunted by the fact that I've got a quarter marathon run to do tomorrow. I've never done this distance before. My friend who I was going to be doing it with has pulled out. It's going to be very cold, wet and windy. I don't think I've trained enough for this event.

But I'll be off to Bexhill-on-Sea in the morning and I suppose all I can do is do my best. I couldn't give a stuff about what time I do...I'm really not interested in that at all. I just want to get around without walking one step. I really want to be able to say that I ran a quarter marathon...not I ran/walked one...I know I can do that....that's not the challenge. My own challenge to myself is to run the whole thing....but I just don't think I can.

Anyway incase your wondering the canoe is fine now. I towed it back the other day as it had come loose. It was tied up to the decking so it didn't float off again. Instead with the wind and rain we had it flipped onto it side. But like I said it's fine now...until the next time.

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