
By Madchickenwoman

Reflective Day!

One of those days that seems to end before it's started! But that might be due to the fact I went to bed late and got up late! Another of the benefits of not working is that I can follow my own rhythm. Apart from chicken open and lock up I can sleep whenever I like and stay up for however long I like! I love the sense of being awake when most others are asleep, and find the notion of people sleeping on flat, soft surfaces in a particular room of their abodes faintly amusing. How bizarre it would seem to someone from another planet!!!
However, the blip - one thing I did do today was finally move the new mirror off the kitchen floor where it was getting in the way and in danger of falling over and smashing. Having lost my spirit level somewhere it was a measuring jug with water that allowed me to think I was putting it up straight! But since my kitchen floor is not level it didn't really matter! Yes this is my kitchen! Minimal is not and never will be a word applied to me! Being the one room with a heat source, apart from the front room with an open fire, it is the warmest and brightest as the sun rises at the front and then is shining on the back till it sets. It has a sofa so I can eat, relax, drink copious espressos and entertain friends and allow the 2 chickens to wander in from the garden via the conservatory!
Once the mirror was up it was chicken time, and of course the rain started - so on top of my warm layers went the waterproofs, so I looked like a cushion and walked like John Wayne! Once on the allotment the rain stopped and once the chores were done and the chickens happily ate their supper of corn, I stood and took in the view. It is sky all around - with the trees framed along the edge of the top of the field and on the far horizon of the fields on the Devon side. So striking with their stark branches. The clouds had hues of orange and dusky pink and were in all different patterns against the clear sky.
A reflective time, in my favourite place with only the chickens and a cat hunting mice, perhaps rats, on the neighbouring plot. I consider myself more than fortunate to be living here, to be in this place in my life. Free to respond to whatever occurs without any constraints.

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