Pumpkin time, again!

Food and wine are my brother's passions so whenever he is home from Singapore, you can guarantee that we'll end up gourmet food shopping!

First stop of the day was Green Park Station Market in Bath, the oldest Farmer’s market in Britain, to buy meat for the weekend. Then on to a wine warehouse where a trolley was filled, in preparation for Christmas, and where I managed to sneak a couple of bottles of Prosecco into the load, and have a quick bubbly tasting, at 11am! The remaining item on the shopping list was Wanton Wrappers so our last stop was a Thai supermarket where they sold all sorts of weird and wonderful things.

Back at home, Chef spent the afternoon preparing a delicious feast: Roasted Pumpkin Soup to start, followed by Tortelli di Zucca, aka Pumpkin Ravioli for the veggie head and Beef Bourguignon, with Pumpkin Pie for pud. Can you tell that I had a spare pumpkin left over from Halloween?!!

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