Back to the Baleshare Beach Basket

Today further peat had been exposed but the basket itself was hidden. The deputy county archaeologist arrived and the sand was duly scraped away for it to be recorded. Sadly to my eyes it is a shadow of its former self. It is also sounding as if it was not quite as old as the experts originally thought. Still over 2000 years but perhaps not 4000. Almost new.....
What was also exposed today was this putative line of footprints - in fact we thought two lines with the second small enough to be a child. A slight eye of faith required to see them but with the sun at the right angle I was convinced. Fantastic to be standing and looking at the tracks left in the mud by a family passing through over two thousand years ago....
Perhaps so much an eye of faith that later in the afternoon I went to have my eyes tested - no problems there. Once a month Specsavers cross to the Isles and today was our day!

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