
By Mindseye

Calling occupants of interplanetary crafts

Most of you will recognise and probably know some of the lyrics to this well known Carpenters song..........I struggled to come up with an instant title for today's blip, but this seems to fit the bill :-)

As we were en route to Congleton to see our son, daughter in law and Olivia, and as I had been saying for a while I wanted to do a blip at Jodrell Bank, so we took a slight detour as time was on our side.

This is the Lovell Telescope third largest in the world of it's type apparently!
I have seen it many times from a distance but never photographed it, and have never seen it in this particular position, dish pointing directly upwards, which luckily for me, makes for quite an interesting image! Hub was driving and we had to turn around a couple of times until I got a decent view of it....got muddy shoes for my troubles!!!!!

Incidentally, we had time to take our detour as Kev and Sarah had been to the hospital for a scan on their second baby, grandchild number five due next May :-)

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