Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

Log Wall

About a month ago, our next door neighbours put up a new fence in their garden which left us a section in our side to fill up and as my good lady wife has had various "ideas" for the garden, this was an opportunity too good for her to miss.

"You could build me a log wall!!" was the comment that I was hearing on a regular basis...."There's plenty of cut trees just not far from here!!" was another.

It did appeal to my "lets build something" side of me so of I trotted to find some branches that would be suitable for the newest garden creation.

A few weeks and a sore shoulder (from carrying the big bits of timber!!) later, this is how its turned out! A log wall to some - A 7 Star Mini beast hotel to others!!

I also fits the theme of this weeks challenge of the theme SQUARE! So I reckon (unless I get another brainwave) this will be the entry for it.

Enjoy your weekend whatever you are doing!

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