"What you looking at??"

The cows are in the paddock next to the house, so after tea I went out and took a few photo's. The sun was still shinning, and the cows were very content lying there, chewing their cud. I decided to lie down on the grass also, to get a photo at the cow's level.

I carefully picked a space on the ground that didn't have any cow poo, and lay down. Little did I know that there was some poo exactly where I had put my elbow. It went through my sleeve and onto my skin. Yuk!

Cows are very inquisitive animals, and while lying on the ground, I soon was surrounded by lots of cows around me, looking down at me, probably wondering what the heck I was doing! This cow is one of those nosy cows.

It has been a productive day. Farm book work done, along with the GST, and accounts paid. Phew - it feels so good to get all that out of the way!

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