All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Silly Faces Cousins

After our night out last night, Hubbie and I enjoyed a lie in this morning. We finally made it over to the Foreveryoungs around 10am, only to find them all still in their Pjs! Once Ethan was ready and had enjoyed a final play session with Eden, we took him over to Dalkeith to visit his Aunty Emma and her children. Ethan kidded on he was shy for a while, but was soon playing happily with his cousins Ross, Isla-Rose and Ramsey.

We wanted to pop in to Ikea on the way home before taking Ethan to his N-ergetix class. However Ethan was desperate to go into the Ikea soft play, so we let him do that while we wandered round the store. £100 later which we hadn't planned to spend, we then ended up having dinner in the restaurant there too! Needless to say, Ethan didn't make it to N-ergetix at all today!

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