Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Move over


Mexi is really telling Roo that this picture ain't big enough for the both of us:), Roo does look slightly cross.

We did get a walk in after work, but it was wet, muddy and slippery under foot, so,we opted for this blip.

33 years ago today I lost my mum in a tragic road accident, I was barely out of my teens, and recall that day vividly.

Mum and I have so many similarities, she adored dogs, she loved gardening, she loved living life to the full and enjoying a laugh, she was a great dancer and a lot of fun.

I was close to dad as you know whom I lost earlier this year and it's always difficult even this long after, I just know mum would've loved the chis.

So now you all know why Roo is my best friend and I'd like to win him the honor of the title, so if you've not voted please take 10 seconds out of your day to vote him.

Email in the subject write Best Friends and In the email Roo to win.

Thank you all.

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