Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky


I'm really gutted I've had to backblip this image because I really loved it.

But my friend who lives in London called me at around 9.30pm and said he was up in Edinburgh for some training and could he pop by? I haven't seen him in a year so even though I was shattered and had ironing to finish, I would have been daft to say no.

So he came over and I made him dinner and we hung out til 1.30am.(Hence the giant bags under my eyes this morning!!) I showed him some new games I've bought and watched TV for a bit and just generally had a good old natter about what's been happening with us both recently. Made me realise I need to make more of an effort to see my friends who are scattered about the country (especially my friend who's in Florida at the moment and is bringing me back goodies!! ;).

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