Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Soor Plooms

Came home tonight after work and was SHATTERED. Had a really busy day with a million things happening. My boss has gone to part time hours so I've been basically covering her while she's not there. Its a lot of dodging phone calls and generally asking people to please stop asking us for money. Cannot wait til I don't have to do this for a living anymore. Roll on March 31st.

Came home and despite my exhaustion, felt like I wanted to make a proper dinner. Yesterday I made the fatal mistake of doing my grocery shop in an unfamiliar Tescos. A Tescos where I couldn't find a pepper and yet had an entire section dedicated to Japanese cuisine like Miso Soup and sushi rice. Odd. So came home and made pork chops with mushrooms, a baked potato and then for afters baked some plums. A introduced me to them on Sunday night and they're absolutely delicious. Can't believe they're so simple to make and yet I'd never had them before.

Definitely having an early night tonight. Might play The Sims for a bit to calm me down first. ;)

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