Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Apparantly friendship isn't necessary anymore...

I used to see this every single day while I was at Uni and had no idea what it was or how it used to be used. Even Googling it I can't find any information on it. Does anyone know what it used to be used for?

Have had a pretty good day. Got lots of things ticked off my 'needs to get done before I'm finished my job' list which is always satisfying. Although only finding the Tasks section of Outlook a month before I left is rather annoying...

Today also found the arrival of a new game which I always find exciting. So after I've had dinner made for me I'll go home and have a good old play...

Congratulations are in order for Acronymphomania who has been shortlisted in the top 10 of the Unstaged competition on Blip. I always assumed that because of the very high level of awesomeness in his photos that he would make it very far. Good luck honey! :)

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