My life, my lens

By JennyRampling

1095 - 3 years - DONE!

Another milestone reached and I couldn't be more proud. I have taken a picture everyday of my life for the last three years with not a single gap. I really didn't think I will still be going at this point but blip has become such a part of my life that its hard to imagine not taking a picture.

I decided to mark the occasion tonight by combining my love of photography with my little underwater family. I'm very pleased they decided to smile for the picture!

When I first started blip it was to improve my photography and also to challenge myself to see if I could document my life for a year. I thiink some aspects of my pictures have improved but I now enjoy it more to look back on everything I've done and how I felt at that moment. I have a dreadful memory but as soon as I see the picture I can remember the moment with perfect clarity. I'm still enjoying the challenge of finding something different everyday and Blip has encouraged me to see the world through very different eyes.

I've had 144,746 views of my pictures to date which just amazes me and I want to thank all my friends and fellow Blippers for stopping by my journal and encouraging me.

Will I keep going now?

Let's see what tomorrow brings......

Jenny x

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