An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Calm before the Storm...


Woke up determined to get my blip in the bag early to stop me moaning about the early loss of light come the afternoon.

Spent a lovely few minutes in the garden with the rain off and was just back inside when I got a text from Ed (who was due at ours at 2pm) to say he'd ended up in PRI last night with a suspected stroke!!! I actually dropped my phone when I read that! After tests, they told him it was possibly Bells Palsy but more tests are required this morning. The day seemed to drag as I awaited an update from him and at last it came with the good news (well good in the grand scheme of things) that it is Bells Palsy and not a stroke.

By that time I had re-jigged Alan's Rota and Gill is covering Ed's shifts till Thursday. He wanted to come and work his shift this afternoon! What a guy! He's been given medication to help so I hope the effects of the Bells Palsy wear off soon. What a fright he must have got.

David got in from work and there was much excitement as we've received the initial sketch drawing of our planned extension. So great to see how the architect has interpreted our instructions and added his own suggestions. For a casual first draft it is remarkably close to what we want. Just a few very minor tweaks as far as we can see. That said, we were too knackered to discuss it in great detail. That will need to wait till another evening.

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