
By Leiflife

The Afterglow

My son was born on this day in 1972. And in 2o14 I found myself lunching with him at his new workplace with his teaching comrades. Someone had brought a homemade soup in a crockpot, and someone had brought a cake to celebrate Vanja's and another teacher's birthday. I sat beside the son I was privileged to hold close to me for the first years of his life, proud of his successful merging with this new group of co-workers. Others would now be graced with his loveable personality...his generous heart and blessed sense of humor. I was thankful to be included, if a bit sad to leave him to his busy work day and drive home alone.

Thankfully, Music and Pearl were thrilled to see me...to share a "little something" to soothe them for having been left again. They seemed to understand my wonder at having a son of forty-two years, for when I told them Music looked sympathetically into my eyes and Pearl said emphatically: Wow-meooow. They even understood - or at least accepted - my need to take a nap.

Later I rushed Music into the car in hopes of catching the sinking sun before it departed. We made it as the bright red ball teetered on the edge and I photographed its rapid progress while Music sniffed out the doggy scents that had been left that day. Again I photographed seagulls, a shrimp boat with its trawling nets spread like wings. The sky turned a tasteful salmon shade. The light became quieter. I turned to leave.

Yet Music knew it was not yet time. In fact someone was coming...someone familiar that caused my old dog to frolic a bit in response. My younger brother, John, was walking across the sand. Yes, he had tracked me down for my signature on some document, yet his arrival became a celebration of sorts. This encounter on neutral territory brought out the best in both of us. We were easily sharing the beauty of the setting sun's afterglow, not to mention the antics of an old dog who had reverted to puppyhood. We smiled at the beauty of something beyond ourselves...but inclusive surely of sibling love. I had taken plenty of beautiful sunset shots, but John in the afterglow had to be the one.

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