wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

This is my invisible box

Hi it's Tony.
I am hiding. At some point a sister will walk by and I can grab their tail, or a leg. I am not fussy. Mom has asked me to guest host tonight. She is tired and having OTs. She has decided to go cold turkey.........off the Oreos. The shaking and crankiness threatens to get out of control.

Mom will be gone most of tomorrow. I have decided to do my best to press the pillow on the couch. It takes various positions to get it right. I will do my best to master it. I may have to work on it Sunday too.

I seem to be obsessed with mice. Not killing them after all I am a lover not a fighter. capturing them and sharing them with Mom and Dad. It is important to keep them squiggling. The amusement factor is the best that way. Last night I didn't have a fresh one for my Papa (Mom's Daddy) so I left a little stuffed orange one in his bed. I waited and watched his reaction....priceless. He likes it when in the middle of the night Mia and I chase each other up and across his bed, jumping down going back through the living room, kitchen, dining room and back again. Sometimes we do the whole up the stairs route. That can be almost as much fun. It is important to do this a few times a night.
I also have two balls with bells in them. They are much more attractive at night then during the day. Mom has oriental rugs on almost all the hardwood floors. It is better if you carry the ball and drop it a few times on the wood floor . Mom says my middle name is irritating. I like it. Tony Irritating Mathews. It's a cool name. I feel the need to do it justice.
Mom yells in the middle of the night when I bring her live mice. This makes her cranky....
Not me. Nope I am pretty mellow. Just sitting here earning my keep. Saving the world . One mouse at a time.........

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