
By Madchickenwoman

Play it again Sam!

Complete and utter random loveliness everywhere I looked on our WWW ( Women Who Walk) today. Only 4 of us plus Kess the dog, and we ( they because as usual I was lagging behind taking photographs!) went the wrong way as chatting too much! So we aborted and went up to Nellie's which meant coffee and eats! Nellie's house is right in the woods and is full of randomness and I love going there!
Today it was a piano by the wood pile! They plan to put it somewhere people will pass by as there is a footpath right past their house and they can make beautiful music on it if they wish! Nellie rushed out and played it with a stick - I had to give her a big hug as she just makes me happy for simply existing!
Pleasant walk back as the sun began to peep through - one of those days which seems timeless - could be morning, midday or mid afternoon! Popped into the Pop Up Shop and bought a pair of red earrings - into red at the moment! We talked Art and Barbie borrowed her volcano for school - add bicarb, washing up liquid and red food colouring then the vinegar and stand back!!!
Home to let Milly and Tilly have free range - they made straight for the kitchen! I can clean the floor tomorrow! After downloading photos,relieved as they didn't look too bad, with an espresso from faithful George Clooney whilst I looked to see what everyone had been up to on here, I took portly Lucy for a little ramble in the woods!
Now its bedtime for all 3 sets of chickens and cooking risotto and corn bread for friends tea! Plus I still have strictly to watch from last night!
I have loved today! Feel like I could explode and disappear in a puff of glittering happy sparkles like a firework!

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