Relaxing Saturday

Up early-ish for a Saturday as I wanted to get my chores done and leave time to relax later. A damp trip to the dump to get rid of garden rubbish and then cleaning and washing, followed by sorting out of a cupboard full of things I'd unpacked in rather a hurry a few weeks ago. All very theraputic and done in time for lunch. After which I ventured out into the damp grey day for a walk. Found a few public footpaths which I hope to follow further one day when I have more time. When I came to Hampshire four weeks ago the leaves were still very green, however they are now well and truely showing their autumn colours and looking very beautiful. Its also dark by shortly after 4pm now and on a dull day like today, very dim by 3.30pm. A good excuse to return and sit on the sofa with a cup of tea for a few hours. Wonderful!

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