
By Fisherking natural colours.........

......were used in the making of this mint yoghurt which was part of our Indian take away tonight.

The girls stayed with us last night while the S & H and YH went out for birthday celebrations.

Woke usual....around 3.00......went downstairs........back upstairs around 4.00. Climbed into bed..........something not right.....after a few minutes realised that while I had been gone the Boss had managed to flip the duvet over completely....all the fancy shiny bits were on the inside with us! Attempted to turn the duvet back over without disturbing the slumbering Boss...............the obvious happened...feet all tangled in the bottom of the duvet.......half asleep, angry and reckless I attempted to kick myself you do........only I kicked......hard ....with my right foot.........attached to my damaged knee.....a sharp pain......something in my knee went "Pop!"............agony...........that was my sleep for the night over!

Back downstairs.......Co-codemol...the girls woke about 6.30........the Boss at 7.15......we had the girls until the parental units returned around 11.00.......set off to Dad's about 12.00..........I insisted on driving.......not a good move.....heavy traffic............3 hours to cover the 100 miles.

We blitzed Dad's house........disgusting bathroom carpet ripped up.......bathroom scrubbed clean..........piles of washing sorted and first load in...........carpets vacuumed........clothes rearranged in cupboards and to the hospital to see Dad..........1 hour visit........back.......Indian take cleaned and vacuumed.........spare room tidied.......a mountain of old papers sorted through.........all accompanied by the pain in the knee.

Bed at midnight!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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