RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Client Shoot Day

Today was my busiest day since arriving at South of the Border Volleyball in Puerto Vallarta, eight half hour client shoots, plus groups and the award ceremonies this evening. It was so busy in fact, I was only able to play an hour of volleyball, early in the morning before all the work started. The shooting is actually not too bad, but I figure for every half hour on the court I spend at least another hour processing photos and burning disks for clients. To top everything off, two of the clients are leaving the following morning at 6:00 am and I promised to have their disks to them as they checked out. That translated into a long afternoon in front of the computer instead of on the volleyball court. Oh well, this is a working trip me so I should feel fortunate at the amount of volleyball I have already been able to play while here.

This is one of my returning clients (I shot him two years ago when he was in Ixtapa) so I knew he was a dynamic defensive player. I was able to capture a number of images of him performing various feats of defensive magic and eventually settled on this as the choice for my final day as official SOB photographer. Tomorrow we are on the road back to Zihuatanejo after a fabulous week in P.V.

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