
By Farmerboab

Out of the blue...

Another one of those days. Junior Farmerboab had another Dr appointment,so had to run him into school afterwards . Only had a pound coin for the parking meter,which gave me an hour. Decided to get my moneys worth,so walked up to Starbucks for breakfast. False economy ,as cost more than I would have wasted in the parking meter!
Back home and back to stirring slurry then nipped off to the soup lunch in the village (wondered why I got a seat to myself).
Back again,and now busy pumping slurry to the store. The air is a bit fruity at the moment.
Last nights calving didn't turn out well. The calve was dead by this morning,and the cow isn't up yet. Lifted her out the shed and onto the grass,where hopefully she will get a better grip and be able to get up. Will have to wait and see.
Spotted this police box this morning. This is what the Tardis would look like if Dr Who came from Scotland instead of Gallifrey !

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