John Radcliffe Hospital, West Wing
We're back at the John Radcliffe today, as Tony had another severe nosebleed this morning. As with yesterday, we started off at our local hospital and he was then transferred by ambulance to the John Radcliffe. The pattern here was also much the same as yesterday; assessment in A&E, followed by transfer to ENT. They looked as far as they could into each nostril, but couldn't find a site where the bleed appeared to be coming from. They did some more cauterisation and then discussed further management options. Tony was reluctant to stay in overnight and the SpR agreed to discharge him, on the understanding that if he has to return again because of another bleed, the threshold for keeping him in for observation and further investigations will be much lower.
So, another anxious and rather worrying day. But throughout it I was conscious of being able to find a calm centre, and feeling of quiet reassurance upholding me, when I needed it. I'm grateful today, as I am continually, that coming to Quakers has helped me hear that 'still small voice of calm' in the moments when I am most in need of it.
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