Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

The Boardwalk

Made it to work for 9am this morning which I thought wasn't too bad considering how awful I felt last night and this morning when I woke up. It's been a good day all round at work and 5:30 came soon enough!

G had already said we'd eat out tonight and asked me choose... Funny that we both thought of The Boardwalk! It has been refurbished over the last few months, and I think they have finally finished. New menu, new chairs; I LOVE their new lamps and plant pots that glow the same as the lamps and "candles" on the table!

This picture is SOOC. There was a Boat Show going on, so the area was flood-lit and it made a huge difference. I can't ever remember being able to see things so easily before!! I also love that come this time of the year, it is ideal to eat outdoors and enjoy the cooler weather! G however, is getting fed up of being my default model so I was lucky she wasn't pulling a face here! ;)

I'd like to wish all my American blip buddies Happy Thanksgiving! Falling asleep over my keyboard again, so good night!

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