A Nice Family Day

The only ones that would pose for me were Aunt Julie (my daughter), with her nephew Merrick (my grandson), and the new puppy Candi.

Candi is the wee wittle wascally varmit that bit me in the nose this week. I still have quite a scar, so everybody got a good laugh today.

Our dinner was delicious (I had turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, and cornbread dressing...pecan and pumpkin pie for dessert.) But, I didn't go back for seconds.

On top of the dinner, our Detroit Lions beat the Chicago Bears in football...31-17 I think.

Holidays are still tough. I miss my Mom. You never realize how much work goes into them, until they're at your house. My Mom used to live for holidays and our monthly dinners. We all miss her.

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