Family friday

My bro, Chris, and his lovely wife, Faye, have arrived this evening. Faye drove, with a boot full of stuff, Chris came on his bike.

Had to post this because of the freaky hand thing going on.

James has stayed up until he can take no more - just because his uncle is here.

Silliness is ensuing. They are all sat here wearing gloves at the moment. It's a glove competition - Corin keeps sneaking out and coming back in with bigger, better gloves. Yes- Corin and Chris have consumed beer.

Us girls are up early tomorrow for heavy duty breakfast, prior to 3 hours at "Go Ape" in Rivington, then home, shower, glam up and of out for the Hen do in manchester.

So, if you see a gang of girls, with me in a black sequinned 1920's style dress, trolling around manchester tomorrow night, come and say hello!

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