bucks life

By bucksmiss

Peony wall

Well, work was a long slog but I got a job done that I've been putting off for nearly a year! It took 4 hours and I felt great after it. I didn't get up all day except to go to the printer. No lunch. No loo. But it's over now and it's the weekend. Yay!

I heard that C has had to go back into hospital as she's in a lot of pain and they want to adjust her meds so she's taken Tilly in with her. They hope she'll be out again tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

I got home and quickly got started getting my bedroom straight whilst enjoying the News Quiz. Here it is. Compare it to my entry on 20 November. I'm absolutely delighted and can't wait to sleep in my own bed again tonight. The one down side to my room though is that it's on the noisy side of the house and some light shines in from the street light, whereas the back bedroom is wonderfully quiet and dark. Methinks that when I've earned some more pennies I'm going to get some better, blackout curtains for my new room.

It'll be feet up, enjoying the warmth of the house in front of some recorded telly with some smoked salmon pasta for this evening and a lie in tomorrow. Bliss.

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