Muckle Baubles

A horrid day of rain and wind! It did finally ease in the later afternoon but still windy with lighter showers.

A busy morning in the office and then working downstairs in the museum in the afternoon. I had to lead Mootie Moose today, our preschool club that are in once a month. I also was decorating the foyer for the Christmas season to start and Christmas staff nights out booked in the museum restaurant tonight. The Don McCullin exhibition opens at the museum tonight as well, but after working all day, I can't be bothered to go back for the opening. What a great selection of his work on display, I'd love to have his photography skills :)
Pub later tonight for a few pints :)

A wet day in Lerwick and I had a wet walk along Da Street. Last year we didn't have a public Christmas tree but thankfully we do this year :) Promote Shetland were handing out muckle (big) polystyrene balls to various folk and they had to design them with Fair Isle knits. Here's a few of the muckle bauble designs hanging on the tree, hope they are securely fastened with all this wind, and they are high enough out the way to be pinched :) Taken at Harrison Square, Lerwick.

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