youngies journey

By youngie66

Bridge To Knowhere

Well for a wee while anyway before it all gets connected up,
I drove over to South Queensferry and took the wee road to Hopetoun House to grab this shot of the progress of the new Queensferry Crossing bridge that will span the Forth by late 2016 and it really is a hive of activity out in the waters of the Forth now.
anyway when I finally got home last night and posted my blip Richard who does deliveries for the chip shop opposite the house came to the door to notify me I had a parking ticket on my car I said what for he said for being in a disabled parking bay I said to him the only disabled space is where Andy one of my neighbours has his car parked right now so I walked over and low and behold since I left for Canada last Wednesday the council painted an additional parking space for another disabled neighbour around my car then a couple of days later the gestapo traffic wardens slapped a ticket on me well that didn't go down well but I phoned the council today to clarify when they had painted the bay as I would be using the info as a basis for my pending appeal to which the young lass got back to me and said at the moment that second disabled bay is only an advisory disabled bay as it has to go in the papers next week for a month to see if there will be any objections and as much as I don't want to object there is only enough parking for 7 cars on my side of the street for thirty homes so it's hard as it is getting a parking space without having another space taken away and the person it's for has her house 150 yards away whereit's nearer to me at 30 yards away that was my excitement last night then after coming home from tesco after topping up with messages I escaped the bar room brawls of Black Friday at Tesco's as I saw loads of videos of folks fighting over TV's my god has know one got any respect these days it seems to be the me me me society nowadays where they have to have it at all costs then the media blame Americans for starting it well I never seen an American starting the brawl in Tesco on the video clip in Glasgow and others that have been recently posted to me had I known it was Black Friday I wouldn't have shopped there today but as I needed stuff then I had to go then I got home and almost gagged as Pepe decided to honk the house out with the most revolting smelling jobby that could come out such a small bum lol thankfully though he did use his litter tray and looked quite pleased with himself and at least none of it stuck to his paws so no trailing any of it around the house he is a good wee cat anyway that's my blip for today of the progress of the new bridge with this shot of some of the new decking on the new piers stretching out into the Forth, now then movie for the day is "A Bridge To Far 1977" Go Large See Ya

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