Ida and Knut

A visit today from a couple of Norwegian lawyers who are visiting Scotland to find out more about our systems - civil and criminal - to help children and young people.

In addition to me explaining the children's hearings system we had an interesting discussion about the Norwegian approach. Where under 15s are involved a "district board" will meet comprising of a judge a psychologist, a psychiatrist and 2 lay members will meet to discuss what should be done. Views of the child/ young person can be sought - as I understood it - in a separate forum - a Barnhus (?) - where recordings can be made of the young person's views as evidence for both the Board and for any criminal proceedings if necessary against others. Pre arranged questioning is asked by one person asking the questions and answers observed by a panel, headed by a judge. The panel can then add further questions to be asked by the individual.

Whatever the detail procedures, it was interesting to note that many of the issues we face, representation, respecting rights, delivering effective measures remain common.

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