Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Red sky at night...

...shepherd's delight?

I had a hospital appointment today. It was to get the results of the sleep test I had back in January. A lot sooner than I expected actually. Generally it was all good. No major sleep problems such as narcolepsy or cataplexy though I do have 15 breath pauses an hour whilst asleep. Going to be referred for a device that will hopefully stop this from happening without the need to have air pumped in to my lungs whilst I sleep.

I'd mentioned that I thought my daytime sleepiness may be linked to my food intolerances due to the fact I always need to sleep after eating something I shouldn't. Whilst she hadn't heard of it having an effect they stole a vial of blood to test to see if my problems with citrus is an allergy or intolerance (it's to do with antibodies apparently) and they're referring me for a hydrogen breath test to confirm my problems with dairy. Much to the Boy's disappointment this doesn't mean they just make me drink a pint of milk and then hold a lighted splint in front of my mouth to see if I pop.

Got home, had a nap, found a beautiful sunset that needed no editing.

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