Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

A beautiful day by the sea.

With one thing and another, I don't feel I've had a minute to myself the last few weeks. Whilst I haven't had time to post blips I have been trying to look in on my subscriptions even if I've not had chance to comment on them. I have however made the time to catch up on my backblips.

Today, S, N, J and Myself headed out to the beach near Tyninghamme. There's a section of coppiced Hazel on the path down to the beach so we stopped to collect the wood for the Warriors sticks. After dumping that in the car, we headed down to the beach. It has to be my absolute favourite bit of coastline around these parts. I had planned to share its beauty with you all. However, something more beautiful came along for the ride with us.

This is George, N's royal python. He's looking milkier at the minute as he's preparing to shed his skin but he really enjoyed a little play in the sand and by the sea. Every time I see him I am more determined to have one of my own!

We ended our lovely day with fish and chips in North Berwick. Today has been just the break I needed.

On a side note, I'm loving the statistics, apparently I mention kittens 100% less than the average blipfoto user so just to even things up a bit.

Kittens are cute. I love Kittens. Kittens make me happy. Kittens are like little balls of irresponsible fluff. This photo isn't a Kitten, it's a snake, he could probably eat a kitten when he grows up.

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