Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Summer babies

My youngest is a summer baby. Born in August he is three and at nursery already.

He has been naughty this week and I suspect from the nursery ladies reactions he is not the easiest. He is tough at home as well.

He will not learn his colours which I don't really care about. Not knowing his colours at three is of no consequence to me or him.

I want him to feel loved and safe and to be having fun.
Apparently during 1-2-1 time he hides under the table and closes his eyes. He has a lack of concentration. However he is 3 and 3 months.....

His language is very good and he knows shapes and numbers. He used the word perfection the other day totally in context and made us howl. The other day he successfully microwaved a yoghurt! This is how I mean by hard work at home. He is inquisitive and mischievous and acts on impulse.

I don't really know what to do x I might let him have a day off tomorrow.

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