My Angle

By myangle

The Shopping Centre

This was my first effort in PS CS3. Wow! I bit the bullet and went out and bought the suite today. No new lenses anytime soon, and probably no more holidays for a while either. I t was about time I upgraded from CS though.

This image is a bit of further exploration into HDR Imaging, or my interpretation of it. This is a combination of 2 images which were shot 4 stops apart. This sort of thing is where digital leaves film way, way behind. These sort of results would have been nigh on impossible to achieve on film.

I am still not comfortable with the overall quality, composition and appeal of the image, but I think I am on the right track to achieving something better than what I have been getting. My camera, the Canon 350D does not have a really good dynamic range. Good for what it does, yes, but not brilliant when compared with other more expensive versions. I can live with that. Now I just need to work on the "me" side of things.

1sec and 8sec, f16, 200ISO, 18-55mm lens @ 18mm, tripod, Canon 350D

Or maybe I should just go back to shooting black and white, my favourite.
No, I have to move forward.

So tonight has been a yawn session while the new software installed (a whole hour!)after which I dipped my toes in the ocean of Adobe Creative Suite. I will either sink or swim. Tomorrow I am looking forward to trying out Indesign and Illustrator.

Today also brought a call from a prospective employer, asking me to come in for a chat. I checked them out and will see what they have to offer tomorrow. I just need another 2 years to finish my trade. I am half way and won't give it up now.

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