Family Dog

By Family_Dog

the whole She-Bang

For some rather strange reason I have agreed to put myself into a public arena and play music to them, which they will hopefully dance to. Normally that would be called 'DJing' but seeing as the largest group I've ever 'dj'd' at was around 8 in my livingroom, I don't really think I'm in that gang just yet.

I have been spending a bit of time in my jammies and headphones purging the itunes, trying to figure out what tunes to play and what those tunes are called and how long they are and who plays them and what songs go together and all that stuff. I have to admit to being quite lazy when it comes to playing tunes to people - with the pals I've got, I haven't needed to lift a finger to entertain the masses in yonks so it will be a very interesting and possibly hilarious experience.

Yikes. Writing about it means it's real. I am a bit nervous.

Anyway - if you fancy coming along, let me know. There are 5 of us playing, all money will be going to Mercy Corps and their efforts in Haiti and we're hoping that if this actually comes off there will be more fun in the future.

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