Time to share

I had a good nights sleep so I was raring to go this Morning. The sun was shining and the birds had nearly finished the sunflower seeds so, as I was reminded by MOLOH, I thought I had better give the feeders a clean and refill.
Abit more gardening , pulling up some annuals that had finished. I sat for a rest and noticed the wonderful lighting behind one of the feeders. I managed to get a few shots that I was pleased with and really liked this one. Not often I get to capture a robin and a coal tit at the same time.
I was in the middle of planting some primula and was going to carry on with the viola when Mike asked if I fancied popping out as he wanted to get some bread. At first I said no but changed my mind when I noticed dramatic black clouds coming over.
Mike got the bread and a hot sausage roll and we went down to the point. The clouds hung over the other side of the Firth and we remained in the sunlight. I walked onto the pebbly beach and searched for sea glass and pottery. There was plenty and both my pockets were bulging by the time I had finished .
I looked up and some small birds had just taken flight. I had nt seen them at all they were so camouflaged. There were dunlin, turnstones and ringed plovers all poking about in the seaweed. I managed to get a few shots, not easy when the camera can't pick them out.
We walked round to the sandy side. The lighthouse looked lovely, shining white. The tide was on it's way out and gulls were busy ducking and diving. One seal swam silently past.
It was so warm I did nt need a coat but it has turned colder now and we have weather warnings for ice and SNOW !

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