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#10 Mean Love - Sinkane

Album: Mean Love
Artist: Sinkane

One line synopsis: Hard to pin down soulful pop, with world and country music influences

Best Track: New Name (have a cracking remix too)


Here we go again for another year. This is perhaps a surprise entry given that the last few years have seen me veer away from anything as openly soulful as this, but there's something about the songs on this album that really hit the spot. I think it's the mixture of the soulful vocals, classic pop hooks and the variety of influences across the album. Starting off with a rough approximation of high-life and finish of in a mellow country mood with pedal steel and soft vocals (reminding me of Tim Burgess' collaborations with Kurt Wagner).


Notes on the top 10:
* Yes I am sad enough to do a top 10 every year
* All albums must have been released this year
* I must own the physical copy of each of them
* I'm fairly sure there are other albums out there that would make this list had I got round to buying them, feel free to tell me what I've missed
* full countdown tagged nstop102014
* click through to see last year's top 10 and click through again for the year before that

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