New 3rd ager

By 1pTrader

Melbourne South

Last night we went down to the Southbank, and it was packed with atmosphere from street entertainers to Christmas staff parties as well as those heading to the casinos in evening suits Decided to walk back rather than tram as even the town was busy and many if the shops still open ,more street music in Melbourne than Sydney which is great. This morning we woke to more rain and as we headed south the temperature dropped the rain got harder and the car lights went on. Starting at Torquay we headed down the ocean road, stopping at the numerous view/ points of interest. I didn't realise it had been hand built by returned First World War soilders in honour of their fallen comrades and officially opened in 1932. When we eventually arrived at Apollo Bay it was fairly windy and still showery, so a cold walk around the pretty little harbour watching the hardy surfers and kite surfers.

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