Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Advent candles

It's the second Sunday of advent already. How time flies! I enjoyed a lovely Sunday with my "Swiss family". They were asked if I was their new adopted daughter this morning at the service, in jest, but it's kind of true! They've been a real blessing to me as I've settled into Swiss life.

Day 6: I love it when a familiar bible verse or passage is unpacked or revealed in a completely new light. Today's reading was one of those days. It wasn't the main passage but one also mentioned in the devotional, 2 Peter 3:8:

"...With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day."

Normally this is one of my "go to" verses for showing someone how in the context of the whole Bible Genesis 1 can be interpreted in different ways. John Piper highlighted in today's advent devotional that because God is out with time, the promises he fulfilled in Christ two thousand or so years ago are to him as if it were only two days ago. The blessing of Christ's coming are "fresh" for us today. The bible is amazing. There are always new truths to uncover.

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