
By tpd


Sometimes, when all three of the +3s are speaking at the same time, it does feel a bit like madness. But maybe in a good way.

+1/3 is ill with a cold. This can mean only one thing: the myth of men complaining more about being ill is shattered once more. Get better soon :)

A pretty nice day today: pancakes (of course), singing, lunch, homework (for the +3s, dur), going to get dog food and wood (for the shed, the wood that is), dinner, bath/bed time and homeland. I also met a couple of local musicians; time to do some more networking.

I spent a bit of time going through some old photos recently as I (like many other people) get some printed up at Christmas - a collage of the family in the past year, some prints to frame, some to send off the relatives. I discovered a whole bunch of pictures I'd taken at the start of the year that I'd never uploaded so I've started.

Just as I was considering heading off to bed I got a support call so ended up watching the last two episodes of Sonic Highways (which has been pretty good) while I waited to check something was going to start working again: I've not been blown away by the Foo's new album but the series as a whole has been really interesting.

Music for today: speaking of Madness, my copy of '7' got a couple of spins today; I'd kind of forgotten what clever songwriters and musicians they were. With only the Foos, a bit of The Police and some Christmas carols it's been pretty quiet on the music front. You can probably tell I'm shuffling through the record collection at the moment. My copy of '7' was bought from Mammouth (the now defunct French hypermarket brand) in 1981.

+3/3 first thing this morning having a wee play while we gain conciousness.

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