Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner


So I may have missed the older 2'a performances but there was no way I was missing L's first school play. They used the village church and the performance was at 5:30pm so the whole family were able to come. It made it very magical indeed. I cried (again, bloody horemones!) when my Mary came down the aisle with baby Jesus with Joseph's arm around her.
There I was with my baby in baby blue all in one and little L had her Jesus in a very similar outfit. I wasn't holding my baby upside down or peeking down his clothes while picking my nose though!

Some of the kids in her school are so talented. L seems like a baby compared to them. She is a july baby though which a the excuse I'm sticking to.

J's dad had a follow up this afternoon from his recent tests and we're thinking its time to get the Macmillan and hospices back on the scene for a bit of support.

It really has been a year of change. Too much really to even comprehend.

All the villagers at the play were pleased to meet the newest member. His reputation went before him and somehow people knew all about him already.

J swears the running man congratulated him just a couple of hrs after W was born despite us not telling anyone local at that point.

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