
I'm sat on my throne. Can you see me?

I'm there in my red dress, my prom dress, see me?

No - well of course not because I'm not there but sometimes people are there looking stunning, beautiful, well dressed, suited and booted and that glowing smile on their face. They look as healthy as you and me but you don't see their illness. There's nothing wrong with them, they look fine.

But look beyond the dressing up, the smile which is actually quite painful to pull off and remind yourself that through all that things may not be just as they should be for some.

I know a few people with 'invisible illnesses' were at my prom the other night and I was so pleased to see each of them. I know how difficult it was for them to pull on posh togs, to smile and try to enjoy their evening so they didn't spoil mine and to see the night through.

This blip is actually not about me, i know the last few weeks have been 'all about me' but I'm using my prom to try and highlight that although on the outside someone looks fine, to look inside and just sometimes see the INVISIBLE.

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