These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos


Visited a friend today and snapped some pictures of her new little boy. He's eight weeks old and still such a tiny little fellow! Mia had a blast playing Wii and swords with my friend's little four year old!

After a fun picture playdate, we headed home to pick up Tyler and decided today would be a good day to take care of new tires and such. We headed home, played for a short while and then headed to the tire store. The kids had some playdoh type material that you form into balls and then it bounces like crazy. And, they took their bouncing balls with them to the tire store. The receptionist gave them permission to bounce their balls towards the huge racks of tires, and boy did they!

I noticed that most of the really old people who came in were thrilled by their spirit of adventure and craziness. Some more sophisticated folks were slightly annoyed and ignored the situation. I'm sure they probably thought I was the world's worst mom letting them behave in such a manner. Regardless, they had the time of their lives. and what could have been a grueling hour and a half ended up being a lasting memory!

We ended the day with a St. Patricks Day family fun night at preschool. We read stories, did little skits, made leprachaun ladders and decorated cookies. It was a very productive day, if I do say so myself!!

Did I mention I grilled rockfish on the grill to boot!!???

Goodnight all!

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