These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Snow storm in March

Um... please don't let your dog poop in the picnic area! I'm a little disturbed that a sign is required for such things - but it's not the first peculiar sign I've spotted! We woke up in Leavenworth this morning to snow, snow and more snow. I just ignored it at first and as the morning progressed, it kept coming down faster and faster. By the time it was time to load up the car, there were over three inches on it! We wiped the snow off with a towel ( no scraper in the car in March) and headed home.

We stopped at a bakery that Kelly used to visit on her way home from church camp every year. It had moved locations and we were thrilled to locate it. We each got a loaf of Cheddar Levain, which is a sourdough french bread with cheddar baked in. absolutely wonderful. We'll be having grilled cheese sandwiches tomorrow!

Once we got to Wenatchee, the snow was gone and as we continued toward Spokane, we progressed through many types of weather. Sun, clouds, WIND, rain, the list goes on. We had a lot of fun running over tumbleweeds and seeing all the funny places the tumbleweeds were landing. We've always loved them so it was fitting we got to enjoy them on our way home from vacation. I think we even made it home with one glued to the front of the car.

We are gearing up for a busy week, including the arrival of dear friends coming to spend the weekend with us! I can hardly wait. Goodnight all!

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