A wild Gull chase

As we left the house to head to the Lochmaddy Christmas Fair - life doesn't get any better I hear you say - news broke on my phone of an Ivory Gull - really quite rare - on Benbecula. The bad phrase in the text was "though mobile". The car was turned around and we headed to the "field east of the airport by the golf course". Needless to say I failed dismally to catch up with it and the afternoon searching the nooks and crannies of Grimsay also failed to turn it up either. It did mean however I looked at gulls more carefully than I normally do and this one in my blip struck me as having a bit more presence than I might usually have thought. Sadly only a young Herring Gull. Tomorrow though is another day...
The evening was the first mulled wine outing of the season and included the singing of Christmas carols. Three Christmas events in two days- the season is eventually catching up with us here.

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