
And I'm not talking swimming.

Couldn't believe we found a butterfly this time of year. It was fluttering about in our white room. I think it's too cold to let it go outside. It can stay in our white room for now.

Had a visit from a friend I worked with many years ago. We have kept in touch....good ol Facebook sees to that. Although he lives in Devon his ageing mother lives here in Essex. He pops up to see her every so often. If I'm about he comes to see me and we catch up with each other's news, have a laugh about the past and usually have a couple of coffees before he heads off. Always nice to see Derek. He has invited me and hubby a few times down to Devon to stay with him. I think next year we really should make the effort.

Although it's a Pilates class tonight I'm actually off to Zumba. Our instructor is having a last Christmas Zumba session and if last years was to go by it should be great fun. It's a shame both things are on on the same evening.

The boys have had a bit of a lay in today.....waking up at 3.45pm....it's a hard life!

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