Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Amaretti biscuits

Last night I attempted to make dairy free custard. Yes you can buy fantastic soy custard but I didn't have any. This meant I had 4 egg whites that needed used up which in turn meant I had to make delicious amaretti biscuits today.

Been a bit stressed trying to get an assignment finished today but on the plus side, I got some results back for my level one filler courses that I did and I got a good pass on both of them. Congratulations also to clicky chick, chippy and my dad, all of whom passed as well.

I had a bit of procrastination time today and rang the snake guy that I'm going to see on Saturday. He only has one young royal python left! I then paniced and rang round other places that might sell them in case they sold it by then. No where has any left. Thankfully though The Boy had his sensible head on and suggested I ring them and see if I could have it reserved for me. The guy was happy to and they're even going to check what sex it is so I'll know if I'm getting a little boy or girl! Really excited now!

I also got some fantastic news from a lovely friend. I can't say any more than that as they're still telling people and there's a chance there may be people who know them that read this. But yay for my friend and their news.

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