Christmas Crooners

Tess and her classmates camped it up big time this morning singing their wee hearts out to fantastically cheesy Christmas songs, using the parents as guinea pigs prior to reprising it all again in the afternoon at the local old folks home (are we allowed to say old folks home these days, sounds insulting).

The whole class were all so very chuffed, smiles miles wide, eyes wide open searching for a known face in the audience and looking to get the all important recognition, reminded me of what it felt like to be young, being so excited and chuffed and that urge to impress and get the attention of someone important to you. We never really grow out of that, us adults are all secretly approval seeking junkies.

I had a moment where I drifted off, and suddenly flashed back to when Tess was born, our Christmas baby. Got a bit wobbly lipped thinking about it for some reason, probably because of our wee niece being such a fighter in the face of adversity at the moment and then there's always the dormant family issues that occasionally rear up to bite you in the bahookie at Christmas and break your delicately constructed reverie. I digress, too often and too much. The concert today was great and Tess and her pal Eve were on good form, giggling and goofing about, as though Buddy the Elf was part of their gang. We all love Buddy The Elf. I best point out that parents were asked not to upload photos of the group onto social media, so I chose one with these two mischievous imps only and with Eve's ma's permission.

Back to work late morning and another campus event done and dusted tonight. On the home stretch now.

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